Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Autumn Life

Here is a poem i wrote and i got it published
Autumn Life

I see the way the leaves grow colorful. The way they trickle down like a light rain shower. The way they reach out for you as though they know who you are. The ways they make you feel peaceful, uplifting, and alone. Like you’re the only one on earth. You think that you're in a dream, but then you feel the sting of the cool light breeze. You feel all the warmth in your fantastic jacket, ready for anything life decides to throw at you.
You see the way the leaves fall, grasping for life all alone. The way the tree feels so lonesome once the leaves have decided to fall. The way that last little leave doesn't want to let go, it wants to hold on for life. Never letting go never learning how it feels to be alone. As if life doesn't matter.

By, Livi Nivi

More Quotes

If you can’t sleep don’t count sheep, talk to the shepherd.

He never said it would be easy he only said it would be worth it.

If you ever wonder who is on your side, all you have to do is remember ME!

In 30 years from now, it won’t matter what shoes you wore, how your hair looked, or the jeans you bought. What will matter is what you learned and how you used it.