Well I am back from nationals and they were so much fun!!! So we got to Florida Friday night LATE, LATE, LATE, but Saturday we went to Universal Studios!!! Which was a blast the best ride was The Hulk. it was totally Wicked.

Then Sunday we went to Cocoa Beach which was so much fun. then after the beach we had opening Ceremonies for FCCLA and that was fun because our state officers

Wednesday we went to Sea World as a State and that was soo Fun. when we first arrived a Shamoo show was about to begin so we ran (literally) to the stadium so we could make it and 

Jeremy and I sat up front in the splash zone and we got totally Soaked it was soo fun though. then on our way out we met up with James and the three of us spent the day at sea world. we even fed Dolphins it was soo cool to feel how hey felt it was kinda weird but way fun.

Thursday was the Award Ceremony and i Got a Silver. the cool thing is, is that everyone got a metal because you were only competing agents yourselves. then later we went to Disney World Magic Kingdom and that was fun but it wasn't quite what i had expected but the past week had diffidently made up for it!
Friday was my last day of Nationals and we woke up at like 3:30 AM to make the shuttle to the airport and the plain didn't leave till like 8: 40 or something like that .
The week i spent in Florida was one of the best weeks of my life because i got to have fun and be crazy and sane at the same time. I am so glad I was able to go!